By Immanuel Ambhara
2020 was a year filled with challenges and uncertainties. Individuals and businesses fought to just survive the year, hoping the next year would be better.
In these trying times, our customers have been one of our biggest driving forces. As we were getting ready to wrap up 2020, our In-App Brand Marketing team led an exciting cross-functional project with the Data team to send personal appreciation to our customers, for journeying with us.
The Idea ?
If we’re privileged enough to work from home during the pandemic and ordered food, groceries, and other basic necessities to our home, we’ve contributed to the betterment of drivers’ income and supported multiple small and medium businesses around us.
We wanted to highlight this social impact from our customers — who’ve subconsciously been heroes.
This brings us to ‘Warrior From Home’ — the theme of this year’s kejoG, our year-end report.
Fun fact: kejoG is nothing but Gojek spelled backwards, because it’s our lookback report. Geddit? Geddit?

A Narrative Driven By Data ?
We mined insights which helped us segment our customers based on theme. By analysing the various trends pre and during the COVID-19 pandemic, we managed to find several trends that depicted some changes in our customers’ behaviour.
⤴️ Increasing trends: GoSend bookings, GoShop and GoMart bookings, Tipping.
⤵️ Notable decreasing trends: GoRide and GoCar bookings, GoFood bookings, and GoPay offline transactions.
We learnt the stay-at-home policy managed to put a huge dent in our Transport services. The same happened with GoPay offline transactions, as customers no longer went out to shop that often. Our Food delivery service also showed a decreasing trend but continued to be stable. But on the other hand, we saw an increase in our Logistics and Groceries services, as well as in the tipping frequency.
However, the challenge was to find insights which customers could personally relate to.
With that in mind, we created six segments of customers based on which Gojek service they used the most throughout the year:

Additionally, we awarded badges according to each customer’s tipping data. A simple average of total customer tip amount was used to divide them into two segments:

These warrior types were reflected on ID cards that we gave to each customer in the app. The ID card itself hints that it is a personal gift, which includes:
- The customer’s name
- Warrior type and badge
- A personalised illustration
- How many drivers were helped with their bookings
- How many SMB merchants were helped with their bookings
- How many cashless transactions were made
- How many bookings they’ve tipped
- A random driver’s name who was involved in one of their bookings
- An SMB merchant from who they most ordered

The Social Impact ?
Access to this personalised ID card was available on the Gojek home screen for two weeks between Dec 15th to Dec 31st 2020.
With this, we hoped that our customers received our thanks and appreciation, for trusting Gojek to solve their daily life frictions, even during the pandemic.
This also enabled our customers feel good about themselves for being a part of a social cause in helping driver partners and merchants.

And our customers were hooked. These ID cards started doing the rounds on social media! The report card on the app has been opened 1,873,239 times by 1,365,384 customers, with a performance of 12.8% click-through rate (unique customer clicks to views).
Aside from having fun with this initiative, we were excited to learn our customers also caught the message clearly:
The exercise was a simple reminder that even the smallest kindness counts.

Special thanks to all team which collaborated in this effort: In-App Brand Marketing, Brand Marketing, Website, CreativeLabs, CRM, Social Media, Product Design, Customer Platform, Product Marketing, CAST (Central Analytics & Science Team), and Data Warehouse.

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